I'm a co-founder of ISCNI, along with Ron Anastasia and Ursula (Uschi) Gerard. As a published UFO researcher and author, I was doing a California lecture tour in December of 1993 when Ron and Uschi approached me with the idea of creating a new UFO information service on the Net. As our ideas evolved, we recognized that we wanted to establish a new field of inquiry broader and deeper than "UFOs." We call it CNI, or Contact with Non-human Intelligence.
We began by establishing an ISCNI "campus" at America Online in December of 1994. There, we've got several message boards, libraries, and a news center, and we hold live classes and special events with some of the top CNI researchers in America. ISCNI at AOL is going strong -- and now we're applying everything we've learned there to the creation of a completely new and original ISCNI Home Page on the Web. We're very excited to bring the ISCNI experience to the entire Web community.
People often ask why I got involved in UFO research. Did I see a UFO? Am I an abductee? No, not that I'm aware of. Here's what happened.
Since my days as a peace activist during the Vietnam era, I've been interested in issues of foreign policy, weapons development, covert operations and government secrecy in general. During the 1980s, I was preoccupied with the prospects and prevention of nuclear war, the greatest threat to life in human history. In 1989, as the Cold War finally began winding down, I founded a private research company called the 2020 Group, and began studying other forces and trends that might shape the human future. But I stayed interested in the continuing development of new super hi-tech weapons by the U.S. government. I wondered what these weapons were for, and who was the intended target.
A trusted advisor told me at that time that I would probably never understand government weapons policy unless I investigated the subject of UFOs. This came as a complete surprise to me. But at his urging, I took my first serious look at the UFO subject in the summer of 1989. I was shocked to discover how much credible data was available for the asking. I soon recognized that this subject had been treated as a major secret by our government. Now I was hooked.
Ever since, I've devoted virtually full-time to studying the ever-mounting claims of human contact with UFOs and aliens, as well as other evidence of possible contact with non-human intelligence. Along the way, I've given scores of public lectures all over the United States and appeared on numerous radio and television programs, including "Sightings" and "Encounters" on the FOX network, and NBC's "The Other Side." I published the book "UFOs and the Alien Presence: Six Viewpoints," (1991) and two videotapes, called "UFOs and the Alien Presence" (1992) and "UFOs and the Global Situation" (1994), plus several short reports and papers. My book and videos are currently available through the ISCNI Bookstore, which you can access at this Web site. When I get a few spare minutes, I plan to write at least two new books. But for now, the work of growing and running ISCNI consumes most of my time.
In closing, I want to thank all my friends and colleagues who are helping to build ISCNI. Thanks especially to Larry Lowe, our Web design leader, and to Dennis Oszuscik, our Webmaster, without whom this site would not exist. And to everyone who visits here: This project is for you, and you are essential to its success. Thank you for coming!
Michael Lindemann
P.S. For more information about ISCNI, or about Michael Lindemann's upcoming public appearances, please send email to ISCNI@aol.com.